czwartek, 19 lutego 2015

Most common side effects of hair transplant surgery

Hair thinning
After having this surgery you may find that hair from your donor area is getting thinner, do not be alarmed as it is a normal postoperative condition. Within a few months, significant thickness will come back.

You may expect some degree of discomfort   on your recipient area, after this surgery. Do not touch the newly implemented graft as it may bleed. In some cases, additional stitches are required to close the wounds.
You may expect little pain after the surgery. Most of the people do not need to take pain killer at all. If you face prolong pain then surgeon may prescribe you to take pain reliever like Tylenol for a few days.
Itching can occur in initial stages. Most   of the cases it goes by its own within few days. Use medicated shampoo to keep your scalp squeaky clean.
Swelling is a common side effect hair restoration surgery. Swelling in the forehead and around eyes   is reported, sometimes black eyes may result. Normally it is goes by its own. Often cold compress on the forehead or on the back of the head can help swelling.
Majority of the patient suffer numbness immediate after surgery. This temporary numbness is expected to go after few weeks of surgery.
Only 5 percent of the patients face hiccups after this procedure. In rare cases, it can last for few days. it presence cause health  problem like  speech changes  or interference with eating and sleeping. Medical treatment is rarely needed to solve hiccup problem. If the person have hiccup more than two days need medical help.
Infection after hair restoration surgery is common enough to mention.  Surgeons take precaution to avoid infection. Those who have had hair restoration surgery are more likely to contract infection because skin becomes sensitive during the days after surgery.
Cyst is much like pimple, but they do not last more than a week. Often a patient may have cyst, for more than 6 months. An effective course of anti biotic will clear them all.
As there is two-type s of hair replacement surgery, one is FUT and another is FUE. FUT leaves linear scar on the back of the scalp whereas FUE leaves minimal scar. The appearance of the scar depends on surgeon and what type of the stitch or suture is using to close the incision.
Follow pre operative care properly to minimize the side effects. After completing your surgery you will be given a set of post operative care includes how to take care of your newly grafted hair, how long your suture will be last, when you have to visit your surgeon etc.  Follow those instructions properly to heal fast.

1 komentarz:

  1. Great post on hair loss..Hair loss is very common problem among men and women.Thinning hair and baldness affect your personality.Thanks for sharing such a great information.

    fue hair transplant in dubai
